Recovery Capital National Behavioral Health Association of Providers NBHAP
Assessments used in this retrospective review were non-identifiable and collected through FIT clients as part of the coaching program that they consented to participation in. The FIT informed consent is for participation in services and ongoing assessment and to inform and identify processes for data collection, secure storage, and release of information following additional consent. Clients also consent to periodic assessment or evaluation of their recovery or wellness progress through questionnaires.
Empirical Measurement
The case for considering quality of life in addiction research and clinical practice. REC CAP is appropriate for implementation in both clinical and peer settings, bridging the gap between a client’s exiting addiction treatment and assuming responsibility for self-directed recovery. In other words, recovery capital is the total resources that a person has available to find and maintain their recovery. Grounded in the Latest Research and Best Practices We have chosen to design our Discovery Cards tool based on the latest research and international work of Dr. David Best.
Is There a Downfall to the Recovery Capital Approach?
Researchers and practitioners have developed different tools to assess a person’s recovery capital. Treatment providers often use the assessment to determine areas of need at discharge, and people in recovery use the results to establish their individual recovery plans. The assessment can be administered periodically—every three months, for example—at recovery residences, in recovery community centers or during long-term treatment to track changes in recovery capital.
Z Code Substance Use Recovery Reference Guide (Z SURR Guide)
The crucial role of recovery capital in individuals with a gambling disorder. Corrigan,P.W., Morris, S., Larson, J., et al. (2010). Self membership and social identity in addiction recovery. General and alcohol-specific social support following treatment. Enhanced attention to Recovery Capital is a shift in focus from the pathology of addiction to a focus on the assets required to initiate and sustain long-term recovery3. The international recovery day movement is a key example of this.
The next steps in this line of inquiry are to work toward developing a theoretical framework of addiction recovery. This much needed theoretical framework will then guide the development of measures that have the requisite sensitivity and capacity to measure recovery capital and to elucidate the recovery process. The authors have planned future analyses using two- and three-year follow-up with this sample to further the knowledge base in this direction.
- Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 43(4), 459–488.
- This requires a paradigmatic shift from a pathology-based model to one where optimal functioning is the goal; this shift has gradually occurred in biomedical fields where virtually no area of medicine is without published research on quality of life.
- My Recovery Plan supports increasing Recovery Capital using the REC CAP Assessment Tool, a strengths-based approach that measures the seven domains of Recovery Capital.
- As we move forward, we can now all speak the same language.
- You have adequate clothes and access to transportation.
- Sure, if you are experiencing addiction, having recovery capital will help individuals recover better and maintain their recovery longer.
Whether we’re in a state of addiction or in a state of recovery, we’re still pulling from the same social, economic, and environmental components that promote or hinder wellbeing. Recovery, like life for someone not affected by addiction, is an ongoing dialogue with those components. We can best think of recovery capital as a specialized representation of wellbeing. Role of social support and self-efficacy in treatment outcomes among clients with co-occurring disorders.
R1 Learning works with organizations to implement the R1 RC Toolkit as part of their measurement outcomes strategies. This is why the Recovery Capital approach is proven to be beneficial for those looking for sustained recovery. By utilizing multiple resources and the ability to grow or change your capital, staying sober becomes much more doable. When it comes to alcoholism, it is important to note that Alcohol Use Disorder is considered a chronic illness. For example, those who suffer from other chronic illnesses, like diabetes, require life-long care to maintain their disease without their health declining; the same approach should be taken when working towards sobriety and recovery. The most important aspect of social capital is the community’s ability and desire to step in when necessary.
The initial RCI instrument was developed by an external research and evaluation scientist using an expansive literature review, including identifying validated questionnaires in the public domain and possible constructs or models for framing the question set. The RCI framework was based on the Social Progress Index (SPI), a measurement for global social change.14 The original RCI included more than 120 metrics, and was pilot tested with FIT peer recovery coaching clients in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Based on those results, numerous questions were modified or eliminated. An additional validation review was conducted by an expert in psychology to establish the face content validation of the instrument. This review determined that the instrument was clearly organized and identified some content changes to ensure that the metrics were appropriately matched with what it was intending to assess, recovery capital.
There are four parts of recovery capital; social capital, physical capital, human capital and cultural capital. Some examples of human recovery capital include an individual’s self-esteem and/or awareness, values, knowledge, mental health, world view/mindset, optimism, education/career, and problem-solving ability. Human recovery capital refers to the skills/resources an individual has that are not as easily measured or oftentimes able alcohol-related crimes: statistics and facts to be measured. And, at its core, recovery capital is an outcomes system designed for addiction treatment. Everyone that engages in the recovery capital system yields a different score on the scale, and thus a unique plan of action to achieve and sustain recovery. By tracking the recovery capital resources that work for and against an individual’s recovery, that person can develop a recovery maintenance plan they can rely on.
This makes a sustained recovery much more difficult, even when the desire for sobriety is present. Without resources, recovery becomes overwhelming and unbearable. Unfortunately, there is a disproportionate distribution of recovery resources available to certain groups of people, specifically Black and Hispanic communities.
The focus is on determining if asset predictors can be identified for intervention success or quality of life improvement. More critically, FIT is interested in understanding that if the asset predictors were known, could more relevant interventions be applied to maximize the growth of recovery capital, creating a compounding effect on overall quality of life. FIT provides peer-based recovery coaching to those struggling with addiction, in recovery, or the loved one of someone with the disease. The peer recovery coach, either a person with the disease or a loved one, is trained to use coaching techniques and their lived experience to guide others through the addiction wellness process.
For example, if someone has health insurance and access to transportation, those are two resources that can contribute to recovery, and thus contribute to that individual’s recovery capital. The RCI is administered to all FIT clients at intake and every 90 days following. The most critical evaluation period is during the first three months. This time period usually involves the highest engagement and intensity for treatment and recovery. The recommended administration intervals are built into FIT’s proprietary digital health platform, AXIS; however, clinicians and care providers may administer or the client may request to complete the RCI at a greater frequency.
- 2023-11-01
- 21
- Sober living
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